Tuesday 20 November 2012

A book? What are you thinking man?

I like writing my thoughts down here.  It allows me to process stuff that I am thinking and from people's comments to me, it sometimes let's people know that they are not alone in their thoughts, and through that, it let's me know that because they think similar things that my thoughts are not crazy.  It also allows me to write long run-on sentences like the one previous to this one.

Some people have told me that I should write a more comprehensive collection of thoughts like this.  Some people would call that a book.  I would call it a collection of thoughts because if I told people and myself that I was going to write a book I think I would sound like a guy who thinks they have some sort of knowledge about stuff.  I would think that guy would sound like he thought he knew what was going on, and since I don't and I just think stuff, I wouldn't like anyone to think I was telling them that I thought I was better than them, thereby giving me the right to write a book.

That all being said, I'm going to write a book this year.  It's going to be an expanded look at some of the thoughts I thought in my blog here, and it's going to also have some other thoughts that I need to get down before they fade into the shadows of my mind.  Things about marriage, parenting, faith, teaching and whatever else I need to sort out.  The fact that some of the stuff is already fading in certain ways is encouraging, because that means that my life has hope and purpose, but really scary and sad, because so much of my life with Krista was awesome.  I feel like I need to sort that out before I can enter the next stage of my life.  Whatever that means.  I feel like I need to write things that are meaningful to me so that if I ever enter into another relationship I remember what important things I have been taught this past while.  I also want my kids to know their mother in a positive and real way, and maybe someday when they may want to read their old dad's thoughts about crisis, they can understand it in a way that explains to them why I was the way I was when they were young.

I'm going to shutdown Facebook for awhile. (Although from time to time I will probably use it to contact people who don't have twitter or I don't have your other info...) It is such a great way for me to have fun connecting with many of the people I know and love, but I feel like I have been connecting with that area of my life more than I have been connecting with God.  My faith in God is so important to me as you would know if you read any of these things the past while. I feel like when I am talking to other people via e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, Text, phone more than I am talking to God then even though it is a good thing, I need to reexamine my use of those things and I think Facebook needs to beat it for awhile.  If anyone wants to get a hold of me I will obviously be available on all those other things. (@jheiding is my Twitter handle)

I'll probably still blog from time to time (not that any of you are waiting on bated breath for a blog post...) but I feel like this is something I am supposed to do and it's probably going to take a lot of work because I sometimes have a hard time finishing what I set out to do.  If you could pray for me, (if you are the praying type) that would be great because as I am writing this it all seems a bit silly to me that I would set out on something like this.

Please be sure that I do not think I know more than anyone else, I just like talking with people.  I just do.  I know that a book is more like talking at people, but I think it's a great way to share my experience with other people that have had something similar, and that way, we all get a little closer because there are a lot of similarities between all of us.

Anyway, if you read this blog from time to time I really do appreciate it, and appreciate the encouragement that many of you have been to me as I chuck thoughts out there.  Here we go...

1 comment:

  1. I am definitely waiting on bated breath for your blog posts! I know that others are as well. Your posts truly make my day and help me to see the world a little differently each time - your words bring a little clarity to an otherwise very confusing world. Thank you. xo
